Thanks, I hate it!
By Dimples - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United States - Sanford
By Dimples - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United States - Sanford
By Anonymous - 13/06/2014 23:36 - United States - Rahway
By brenami - 31/12/2010 06:13 - United States
By apparentlyunattractive - 07/06/2009 09:23 - United States
By scared to leave the house - 20/08/2012 09:14 - Canada - Williams Lake
By kaleigh - 31/05/2011 17:01 - United States
By Holls - 12/04/2012 13:47 - United Kingdom - Bristol
By ohman - 17/07/2009 17:29 - United States
By Kamburgler - 02/07/2011 06:33 - United States
By noantiquesforme - 30/03/2015 18:39 - United States - Santa Clara
By Jake - 29/04/2009 08:06 - Australia
I would have slapped him for touching my face. Just saying.
Yeah, it would have just been my Natural response. Probably punch to face then knee to his nuts though.
Then pull out my baseball bat beat him till he's unconscious, take off his clothes, put him in the boot of my car and drive to an empty field, leaving him there naked. That would be MY natural response.
34.... and then kill him, cremate him, build a rocket and launch his ashes into space. I mean, it's just the normal response, ya know.
34- would you like to be my bodyguard against old perverts?
Right over your head..
It was rather creepy of him to do this, but OP did mention the he was old. He could have been senile, or developing Alzheimer's. So becoming violent towards him would be a cruel idea. I think that OPs point of frustration was the teasing they got from their friends about it.
He was elderly and probably senile. Keep that in mind!
Stroking those dimples, HELL YEAH!!!'
What else was he stroking??;)
That is really creepy!
And you didn't stop the guy while he was fondling your face? He sounds like the gypsy geezer in "Thinner". Your friends, however, need to knock it off.
Yea, harassment isn't ok no matter how old you are
#21, #20 is right. It's not OK to harass someone when you are old, but instead of being mad, they feel sorry for you. I grab girls' asses all the time and when they yell at me, I start crying and say, "Isn't that you, Ethel?" and tell them about my dead wife. Then, they start crying and let me feel their ****. It's great to be old!!!
What a brilliante idea ! I'm going to start dressing up like an old woman, and grab some ass.
#36--Unless she married a MUCH younger man. :)
No, I like my men old and rich. #36, I will call him maurice, such a sexy dead husband name !
I shan't, don't worry. And thank-you for your help in my bottom fondling mission.
That's messed up lol
Did he sound like Herbert...did he have the gimpy dog too?
never let a stranger touch your face... In public
Creepy. Very very creepy.
You could have put a dimple in tree, then there would be two in a million.
If you're one a million, there are six thousand like you