Thanks, I hate it!

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - Australia

Today, I got my first tip. It was a Mentos. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 215
You deserved it 5 781

Top comments

Could it have a meaning? Like "Keep your mouth fresh". Anyway Mentos tip is better than no tip.


xxreikoxx 31

It's already been established that women in France don't shave. Does that mean women in Australia don't brush their teeth? OP, just accept the tip, and stop whining about it! >.>

EveryDayJackAss 0

at least you got a tip at all, you ungrateful bastard.

i used to work for a water company and i had to deliver water softener salt to peoples houses. This one time i hauled two pallets full of 50 pound bags down to this guys basement through his garage and when i was done he tipped me with a $3 bill with hillary clinton on it. I was just a little pissed.

thesucker1994 0

maybe if your breath smells better you'll get a real tip

LOL! well u got something right? now ur breath will be minty fresh ;)

Batman4890 0

@40 & @57 yes i no money would be better but a sweet is better than nothing and i can spell but whats the point wen this way is faster? unless u r so retarded that u cant understand

But you'll still look like a moron typing like that. Save it for your cell phone.

Anti09 1

Why is this an FML? So somebody gave you a breath mint ... OH GOD **** YOUR LIFE IT ******* SUCKS YDI for being narcissistic enough for thinking anybody cares about this

Mercy, I would so cut off the finger for you. Tho you may have to hold him still