Thanks, I hate it

By effmylife - 23/10/2009 10:09 - United States

Today, I took my SUV in to get the oil changed, and the tires rotated. They allowed me to stay there, because they said it would only take 30 minutes. So I sit there in the waiting room, and I look through the window only to see my SUV falling off the lift, from 6 feet in the air. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 778
You deserved it 3 656

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I see a lawsuit in their future. Sue them. They should have secured it.

I'm not gonna lie, this would be cool to see if it wasn't mine. On an unrelated note, I admire you for not caving in to pressure from the tree hugging left wing nuts and keeping your SUV. Go you! Drive what you want!


Lizzyyy 6

You need to sue. I would be pissed if that happened to me.

i thought people walked on porches, not drive them. hmm. weird.

OP u really should sue #124 just because u own an SUV does not make u an asshole. Some people have big families like my, and without our SUV theres no way we could all get around #44 like i said to 124 SUVs are not for "status seeking retards." think about things like that before u open ur mouth #92 how do they deserve it just because there able 2 afford and SUV.dont hate on other people because u may not be a fortunate #77 I agree with u completely

hpdrew15 9
1Kiki_babe1 2

"OMG, op owns a SUV, they so deserve it!" Seriously?! Grow the f!!k up! No one cares what kind of car they have, focus on the real problem! I know 8th graders that are more mature than you!

mrbodo 3

you are HORRIBLE with commas

You deserved it for having such a petrol guzzling menace to the environment.

SolemnlyLove 7

plz do us a favour and drink battery acid

OP: haha that sucks. Have fun with all of the paperwork! on a side note, the arguments that people are having in response to this FML is hilarious. Just because the OP said SUV, its sparked conversations about everything from hippies, global warming, health care, freedom, gas, pollution, the mechanics of the lifts, the efficiency and uses of cars... it's actually rather fun to read through. people get so worked up..

at least you should get a new one out if it