Thanks, I hate it
By effmylife - 23/10/2009 10:09 - United States
By effmylife - 23/10/2009 10:09 - United States
By lanaoftherey - 02/06/2015 21:30 - United States
By ljd09 - 04/11/2009 04:06 - United States
By AnonymousOne - 08/12/2016 10:57
By alucas3 - 29/05/2016 20:14 - United States
By mmv - 18/09/2009 00:02 - United States
By shbaxter - 16/03/2020 06:00
By Jim - 12/04/2018 01:30
By Justin Parker - 17/06/2021 04:00
By Anonymous - 30/05/2019 00:01
By hatty - 23/09/2011 13:48 - United Kingdom
So your saying if just drives an SUV because she happens to like that kind of vehicle, she deserves something like this?? That's just retarded. Nobody deserves this. Even if you drive a little dumb Prius.
your horse got legs, fast legs! let them use it douchebag.
it makes me laugh that people are complaining about SUVs on get over yourself do you have nothing better to do than argue with people on a website that talks about how much life sucks? wow.... ur life does suck.
Unless it fell at such a drastic angle it landed on the front or rear bumper, your shocks SHOULD have held up with minimal damage. Six feet isn't a horrific fall, though it does suck, so your car might need new struts, or if it fell off the side, you're SUV might be totaled... either way, it's the shop's fault and you should either be getting the repairs/body work done for free, or a replacement vehicle. Either way it's an unnecessary hassle but when all is said and done, you should be good. Now, the only way you'd get a YDI from me is if you drove a Smart Car, Toyota Prius, or Honda Fit. Though I enjoy having the freedom to drive whatever I want (I like my 1992 Mark VII) since America is the land of the free, not the land of the nanny state (People... freedom to have equal healthcare is not an actual freedom, Main Entry: free·dom Pronunciation: ˈfrē-dəm Function: noun Date: before 12th century 1 : the quality or state of being free: as a : the absence of necessity, coercion, or constraint in choice or action b : liberation from slavery or restraint or from the power of another : independence c : the quality or state of being exempt or released usually from something onerous d : ease, facility e : the quality of being frank, open, or outspoken f : improper familiarity g : boldness of conception or execution h : unrestricted use 2 a : a political right b : franchise, privilege Considering personal rights in Europe are at relatively abysmal levels, with economic freedoms and political freedoms being of notable low quality compared to the United States, which have been willingly given up by Europeans in order to ensure that the Government is responsible and able to act as a nanny, making all their decisions for them and taking care of them like children, I'll take constitutional freedom with a modicum of responsibility), people who drive Smart Cars, the Prius, or Fits tend to be among the biggest assholes in known society, always maintaining a superiority complex because they save money on gasoline while driving notoriously small and ugly cars that only buy them respect within the liberal elite, which means that anything bad that happens to them, they deserve. So keep driving your Suburban or Mountaineer or Bronco with pride and never trade down for an over glorified go-cart
Hey there, cowboy. I drive a Honda Fit - not because I want respect from the liberal elite, or because I have a superiority complex, or because I'm an asshole - but because where I live, there's no room for me to have a larger car. The Fit's inexpensive, it handles well, the gas DOES cost less, and it's big enough for me (I live on my own and therefore have no need for anything larger). It's not the prettiest car in the world, but I'm fond of it. I don't have a problem with people that drive SUVs, and I think that people who use an ad hominem argument that attacks what kind of car that you drive (whether it's an SUV or a Honda Fit) need to step back from the computer and go for a walk. So maybe you should calm down a little.
"Considering personal rights in Europe are at relatively abysmal levels, with economic freedoms and political freedoms being of notable low quality compared to the United States, which have been willingly given up by Europeans in order to ensure that the Government is responsible and able to act as a nanny, making all their decisions for them and taking care of them like children" I call bullshit on this statement because it is completely false. If you wish to make such nonsensical claims, provide a source to back it up. Of course, no credible source would back up that statement because it is false.
YDI for driving/owning an SUV get a pickup or something else worth the money
#98 you are ******* retard. The YDI button is for when someone does something stupid and should have known better. The fact she has an SUV is completely irrelevant. The point is, her vehicle (doesn't matter WHAT kind of vehicle) fell off the lift. This could've happened with any kind of vehicle, it was completely out of her control, there was no way she could've known that would happen, and it was therefore NOT HER FAULT AND THEREFORE "YDI" SHOULD NOT BE CHOSEN.
Well, at least you're getting a new car out of it, and maybe some hush money too. On the other hand, if you owned an SUV without good reason (i.e. you actually have some need for the space, etc), you're an ass and YDI.
so does that mean you need an alignment now ?
I see a lawsuit in their future. Sue them. They should have secured it.
I'm not gonna lie, this would be cool to see if it wasn't mine. On an unrelated note, I admire you for not caving in to pressure from the tree hugging left wing nuts and keeping your SUV. Go you! Drive what you want!