Thanks, I hate it

By effmylife - 23/10/2009 10:09 - United States

Today, I took my SUV in to get the oil changed, and the tires rotated. They allowed me to stay there, because they said it would only take 30 minutes. So I sit there in the waiting room, and I look through the window only to see my SUV falling off the lift, from 6 feet in the air. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 778
You deserved it 3 656

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I see a lawsuit in their future. Sue them. They should have secured it.

I'm not gonna lie, this would be cool to see if it wasn't mine. On an unrelated note, I admire you for not caving in to pressure from the tree hugging left wing nuts and keeping your SUV. Go you! Drive what you want!


You should've tried to catch it, letting it hit the ground would do too much damage to that poor vehicle.

New Jersey? What did you need an automobile for anyway? Everyone there is out of a job.

TheDrifter 23

There's still plenty of government jobs, mostly analyzing how much debt they're racking up and printing welfare checks, but they pay insanely well.

EEElvirAAA 0

Now, that was a Kodak moment. I bet you didnt have your camera (or camera phone) handy. Darn...

slaggerr 0

haha, that would be awesome. new facebook album "my car falling off the lift at the shop". OP, sorry to hear about that, but this isn't really an FML. It sucks yes, but their insurance company should take care of everything. And, as much as I hate to say it, if they don't fix it to how it was before, and you get in some kind of accident because of it, you will become one rich individual. Just make sure that if you keep the vehicle, anything that happens in the future because of the damages caused by the fall are covered by them.

brownhulk 0

if it was lifted correctly on the vehicles lift points its kinda hard for something like this to occour. but also you have these techs working on car after car day in and day out...sometimes shit happens. thats why theres a thing called insurance. they'll take care of you, its not like they can say its your fault... if i ever do start driving an suv, it will be to pack as many people in it and go after dirty hippes telling us to eat grass and soy burgers and whatnot. you dont see me forcing my beliefs of driving gas guzzling lifted f350s just for the fun of it down your throat. Don't care what you believe. but, for every animal you don't eat, im gonna eat 3.

I bet they're paying for it. The only thing wrong with SUV's is the blind spots. And STFU you stupid hippies, when the time comes that we don't have enough clean air we'll have studied trees enough to find out how to artificially turn CO2 into O2. The whole global warming BS isn't coming as fast as you think, now stop watching shitty "end of ze wurld" movies and start researching trees for that conversion technique.

For all you retarded "YDI for owning an SUV" assholes, just because you don't think it's necessary doesn't mean it isn't for her. Perhaps she has a job that necessitates large hauling area; perhaps she likes to be able to buy lots of shit and fit it all in her vehicle. Perhaps you deserve every bad thing that happens to you for owning a plasma tv, a computer that's not bottom of the line, or whatever ridiculous gadgets you thought were oh-so-necessary. Either way, this isn't an FML because they should pay for a rental and your new vehicle. But where in Jersey did this happen because I want to make sure I don't go there for my oil change!!!

one of the biggest emmissions of carbon dioxide is exhaling. All you green wingers do the world a favor and stop breathing. And like people don't need SUVs. You think I can tow my half tonne horse with a 3 door hatch?