That old swticheroo

By Anonymous - 17/01/2012 05:05 - United States

Today, I found out that my boyfriend is a Mormon, when his mother greeted me saying how happy she was her son had found himself a Mormon girlfriend. I know nothing about Mormonism, except from what I've seen on South Park, and I'm an atheist. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 143
You deserved it 6 453

Same thing different taste

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perdix 29

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Id refuse to be religious for a man, I only believe in what I believe is right.

perdix 29

I'd bend like a pretzel to make the woman I love happy . . . or to get laid.

perdix 29

#31. He didn't have to. When the best the other side could come up with is a corporate raider who likes to fire people, he just has to be the non-asshole in the contest to win it easily. Frankly, I think the only candidate who would have had a shot dropped out yesterday.

You're not seriously implying that Romney is NOT part of the 1%, are you?

Ah, FML. The best place to rant about politics and religion.

Forgive me if I'm wrong, but isn't Obama and all of the people who are helping him get to his 1 billion dollar campaign fund goal in the 1%?

perdix 29

#73, most of the people helping Obama get to that goal are dirty, unwashed 99%ers. #43, I implied nothing of the sort. I did infer from your comment that your literacy skills are lacking.

jellenwood 35

I always thought religious beliefs were a quick topic to learn about someone before you start dating.. Learn more before committing.

They are not radically different. The Pope has accepted it as one of the three beliefs that could get you to heaven.

I was going to say the same. It is one of the first few things you should learn about someone in the beginning. Far before meeting parents. It's time to sit and talk to your boyfriend because this is one thing you can't lie about or go around. The sooner the better.

How does it feel to be dating a soulless creature?

That episode of south park pretty much covers it.

crystalou_fml 3

It totally makes fun of them, but aside from the caricature of the family itself, the historical portions are actually quite accurate.

My boyfriends best friend is a Mormon. He's 27 and a virgin

Only 3 more years and he'll become a wizard!

perdix 29

13 more years and he's Steven Carell!

My boyfriend has been trying to get him Laid for over 10 years lol. He's waiting until marriage.

josiefay 0

Nothing wrong with that. Religion or not it's his choice.

Sounds like your boyfriend's bestie should be writing FML's. Haha. He certianly will be once he realizes he missed out on sowing his wild oats in his prime years.

Psycho_Babydoll 26

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Except Mormons don't practice polygamy, there's the FLDS, but they're not part of the mainstream Mormon religion

GoW_Chick 14

So just because they're not mainstream they don't get recognized as Mormons?

Op you're in for a wild ride, just not sexually

"Big Love" has nothing to do with traditional Mormonism, it just elaborates on a very small cult like sect of the religion. Don't listen to these guys.

crystalou_fml 3

Actually Big Love has everything to do with "traditional" Mormonism. Hence the term "fundamentalist latter day saints"