That old swticheroo

By Anonymous - 17/01/2012 05:05 - United States

Today, I found out that my boyfriend is a Mormon, when his mother greeted me saying how happy she was her son had found himself a Mormon girlfriend. I know nothing about Mormonism, except from what I've seen on South Park, and I'm an atheist. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 143
You deserved it 6 453

Same thing different taste

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GoW_Chick 14

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It isn't anywhere on that road. We don't practice polygamy anymore. Former president Benjamin Harrison pardoned the members of The Church Of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints that practiced polygamy. It's as if it never happened.

GoW_Chick 14

Yes, I know this, I don't need a history lesson, it was a joke.

thiscrazything 1

Good luck with that one. You better do some research,

Should've discussed that a little earlier, eh?

mel_aka_mic 5

Don't use South Park as a reliable source if you actually want to keep this guy. Just saying.

Talk to your boyfriend. Ask if he told his family you're Mormon. Decide when you want to tell them the truth. And if you want to learn about his religion get it straight from him, because individual beliefs may vary. And don't convert to a significant others religion unless you actually believe it. If you don't their god knows your lying and your partner should love you for who you are.

meh if you want to keep the act up (which by the fact she seems happy about it, I'd say it's for the best) and you want to stay with him, learn the basics of the religion. It's easy to pretend to be of a religion that you aren't. As a Buddhist, I do this all the time around Christians in particular. It's an easier way of living because otherwise there are ones who will just bother you and try to convert you in every single conversation.

Except being mormon is a way of life not a Sunday religion. If she hopes to get anywhere with her bf, pretending is a bad move

hanemeg 3

The ignorance of some people is ridiculous. If you really want to know about Mormons, how about you ask someone that is Mormon and not base your knowledge of shows like South Park. Thanks.

And don't ask other people who THINK they know our religion either.

HiddenMonkey 8

My best friends Mormon. They don't in fact ruin everything. Their religion is misunderstood because no one actually takes their time to learn about it and go with what they hear or see on tv. Religion is the one thing the world fights about, but that's because people don't want to learn someone else's religion. You learn why you believe it, you'll understand them. Not because they're a different religion from you. You may learn something in their book that, yours did not.

I'm Mormon, I'm awesome, I don't ruin anything.

Actually, the south park version is surprisingly accurate, albeit brief. Jonathan Smith did in fact claim to have found "magic golden plates" and translated them by placing them in a magic hat with magic rocks. Of course he had to give all that stuff back to "an angel" once the translation was over - so nobody actually saw any of it. That is how it all started. The rest of the story is a bit more complex.

There are so many things wrong about this post... So I'll just say... No, you are incorrect. Please go to or find some mormon missionaries ASAP before people actually take your words as fact. Have a nice day :)