The chase

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my mother woke me up at 4:30 A.M. to tell me our dog was running down the street. I ran for an hour, chasing after her. Turns out it was our new neighbor's dog. Ours was in our basement. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 344
You deserved it 4 253

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That sucks, I'd check the house before searching, Tbh.

Damn, that sucks. Reminds me of when my neighbor tried to get me to help catch her Chihuahuas at 5 in the morning.


randomaccount... you're a HUGE douche

_Candy_096 0

lol...ur neighbor's dog looks a lot like yours i bet

TDI for keeping your dog in the basement! Bad owner! Bad!

sheltergirl87 0

first of all, why is your dog in the basement? dogs belong cuddled with you on your bed at 4:30 in the morning. 2nd of all wheather it's my dog or not I would have gone out for him/her. Animals need protection, it shouldn't ,matter whose dog it is. If you're an animal lover your going to go out to rescue the dog

a lot of real dog trainers and "animal people" would disagree with you that your dog doesn't belong on your bed. it belongs in its own bed, or crate trained, or... in the basement if that's where its "den" is. i'm not sure what your basement looks like, but ours has walls, doors, floors, lights and furniture. although our basement belongs to our cats, were it not for them i would have no qualms with keeping my dog down there.

caits13 0

LOL stupid old grandparents.. my grandpa would do that too - but be fully aware that our dog was in the basement.

somethingnew319 0

how do u not kno it's not ur ****** dog?

Adorable_fml 0

Let's imagine a world where it's possible to have two dogs of the same type. Like, I don't know. Two St. Bernards, two beagles, two big fuzzy dogs, two little dogs, etc.. Okay, keep up with me here, now, let's imagine that the OP has a St. Bernard, and their neighbor has a St. Bernard, too. It's kind of like magic. This is exciting, right?! Well, at 4:30 in the morning, it's usually very dark, and since the dog is running away, the OP would not have a clear view of the pup, so it would be very, very difficult to tell whose dog it is, correct? That's how someone would not know that it's their ******* dog. Bejeebus, kid.

i know, wtf. where I live, we not only have an abundance of brindle APBTs, but also golden retrievers, and basic "carolina dog"-looking dogs, all down one street.

HAHAHAHA XD should of checked on your dog more often lol

youthink_fml 0

You chased the dog for an hour and couldn't tell it wasn't yours? YDI.

Adorable_fml 0

Here, I'll help you like I helped that other kid. --Let's imagine a world where it's possible to have two dogs of the same type. Like, I don't know. Two St. Bernards, two beagles, two big fuzzy dogs, two little dogs, etc.. Okay, keep up with me here, now, let's imagine that the OP has a St. Bernard, and their neighbor has a St. Bernard, too. It's kind of like magic. This is exciting, right?! Well, at 4:30 in the morning, it's usually very dark, and since the dog is running away, the OP would not have a clear view of the pup, so it would be very, very difficult to tell whose dog it is, correct? That's how someone would not know that it's their ******* dog. Bejeebus, kid.-- There you go. There are too many fucktards these days.