The more things change…

By J.O.S - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - Canada

Today, airport security took away my 32$ eyelash curler, because it could be used as a weapon. I miss the '90s. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 134
You deserved it 9 538

Top comments

YDI for trying to bring a wea- wait, what? $32 for something so useless?

I still dont understand how this could be a weapon ... throw it? clamp them?


YDI for spending 32$ on an eyelash curler

proski 0

I agree $32 bucks for something u don't need

macgirl21 0

seriously?!? you spent $32 on an eyelash curler? if anyone could get beyond that act of stupidity, then they would say YDI since it should be common knowledge to anyone flying these days that you can't bring something like that.

freeze is a Jack ass and most likley dosent spend money on eyelash curlers cuz he's a guy

yep the 90s we could smoke in bars movies tickets popcorn and a drink were 5 bucks . great tv shows Doug Ren and stempy rockos modern life. why can't it be the good old days :( (born in 84!) ps: simpsons were still funny!!!!

I had no idea that eyelash curlers were that expensive! I've never owned one. I'm a shameful excuse for a woman.

Kawaiichan42 3

155, no you're not. Their prices vary, as people have mentioned before. They're a useless thing to have. Funny story, when I was about 11 I used to picture a mini curling iron whenever anyone mentioned eyelash curlers. >

Haha! That's pretty great. Just imagine if you accidentally burned yourself with something like that...Ahhh!

Kawaiichan42 3

I know! I always wondered why they made them. When I saw real eyelash curlers, I had no clue what they were. My mother told me and showed me. I attempted to use them and like put a weird dent in my eyelashes. It went away after a couple hours, so I'm pretty sure there's no point to eyelash curlers.

Kawaii: If you warm it up first (just a little, like breathing on it a few times), the curl will hold longer. You also have to gently curl it in a few places down your lashes to avoid the "crease" look. I start toward the root, pump it gently a few times instead of holding it tight, and do it again closer to the tip. Using mascara helps too; if the lashes dry in that position, they'll stay curled for longer. I know, I know, it's kind of a whole thing. >.<

Kawaiichan42 3

That would take way too much time out of my morning, but I am always interested in learning new things. I can't wear much makeup anyway, anything on anywhere but my eyes causes a huge acne breakout, so I've given up on makeup altogether. I have super sensitive skin.

Heh, fair enough. Just a little FYI saying they can work, if you use 'em a certain way. :] I like eye makeup, so if I wear anything, it tends to be that. It doesn't take that long once you get the motions down, but eyelash curlers certainly aren't for everyone. I enjoy my little make-up and grooming rituals; they're kinda meditative for me. But I do have more free time on my hands than most, so I'm guessing my routines will change drastically when my schedule picks up.

Kawaiichan42 3

I still can't find any justifiable reason to spend $32 on them. Even if I did have a whole bunch of free time on my hands before going to work. Like I said, eye makeup is all I can wear, and when I do decide I want to do it, I don't half-ass it. I usually save that for when I go someplace other than work to cut back on being hit on my ignorant drunk guys. I seem to attract them quite often &gt;

Eh. $32 doesn't seem outrageous to me, but that might be because I'm used to things like cosmetics being expensive in Australia. That, and a few of my friends work in beauty, and that's just how much it costs to buy professional-level product. I do think it's funny that people are saying that $32 is crazy because you can get them for $2 and they don't work anyway. Maybe they don't work for you because you buy ones that are $2?

YDI for spending $32 on an eyelash curler. I've never spent more than $5 on an eyelash curler, and they all have worked perfectly well. You would also have deserved this for a $32 pair of tweezers, a $32 nail clipper, or a $32 file.

My sister owns a pair of $30 tweezers she bought herself.

Tweezers I could actually excuse, since they need to be sharpened eventually. If you use them a lot, you could save money in the long run by buying a higher quality metal once, instead of replacing or sharpening the cheapo kind multiple times.

oh yea . kill some person with an eyelash curler .... :P. Wait woah ... $32 for somthing that a $10 one can do the exact same thing ? what is it , covered in fake diamonds .