The nerve of this dude

By ihatemyjob - 03/09/2015 03:37 - United States - Ridgeland

Today, my boss found me on a dating app. He found it perfectly acceptable to message me and didn't understand why I wasn't comfortable with it. He now wants to have a meeting with me about inappropriate behavior outside of work. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 477
You deserved it 2 100

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What's he supposed to say? He doesn't govern your life outside of work at all! Meeting is pointless. Lol

Whois acting inappropriately here....He's probably just annoyed you didn't want to date...


Kristoffer 35

You should demand that he cease his inappropriate behavior outside of work. Go to HR if necessary.

That is just so inappropriate and freaky all at the same time

Sexual harassment might have him quit...but that's probably a bit too far

Ask him how the hell he would know you were on a dating app unless he was on it, too.

I think this kinda goes without saying but take screenshots or print out copies of the message(s), that way you can take those into HR or the appropriate people at work and show them where you stated you were uncomfortable with the situation and how it escalated from there.

If your boss starts berating you for being on a dating app I'd point out to him that he found you while he him self using the app and ask is it the use of the app or the fact that you turned him down which brings up harassment issue and it's his behavior inappropriate.

Save the message, have a meeting with HR

Go to HR immediately. Once you told your boss that you found it inappropriate for him to do something sexual/romantic that is the end of it. If he tries to do anything, including calling you in to his office to discuss the matter further there he is probably creating a hostile work environment.

Weirddate 11

That sounds like a harassment lawsuit.