The nickname that sticks

By boobswerehere - This FML is from back in 2016 but it's good stuff - United States - Reno

Today, I went to visit my best friend at her house. I saw her five year-old brother playing in the front yard, and as I walked up to the door he shouted, "Boobs are here! Boobs are here!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 953
You deserved it 1 565

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That kid needs to watch more Sesame Street and less Family Guy.


SWeasel 1

At five years old, I have to wonder if this is something the kid has come up with himself, or is he referring to you as others in the household do?

It's always A good thing when boobs are here!

I immediately thought of a floating pair of boobs approaching the house as a 5 year old screams in terror "Boobs are here, Boobs are here!"

at least you're a girl. would have been worse if you were a guy.

Luke16eirb7deneuwn1 20

look at the positive! Kids usually tell the truth about their opinions, so he propably thinks you've got big equipment...