The nickname that sticks

By boobswerehere - This FML is from back in 2016 but it's good stuff - United States - Reno

Today, I went to visit my best friend at her house. I saw her five year-old brother playing in the front yard, and as I walked up to the door he shouted, "Boobs are here! Boobs are here!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 953
You deserved it 1 565

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That kid needs to watch more Sesame Street and less Family Guy.


Now are you called 'boobs' because you have grandiose mammary matter, or because you are a boob? You've left a big plot hole here.

Get used to this. Guys will be doing or thinking this the rest of your life

Guys can think that all they want, but I hope you're not telling OP to get used to being sexually harassed (not saying the 5 year old was).

So you hope I'm not saying for her to get used to something that didn't happen?

Well no because if a grown man started referring to a woman as 'boobs', that is sexual harassment.

StarEelf 4

Kids. They say the darnedest things

I don't see the problem, everyone likes boobs therefore everyone will like you

bnbhimp 10

Is that supposed to be an insult to his sister?

Depending on age that might just be how he differentiates you from his siblings other friends. My younger sister called my friends 'Punzel because of her long hair and Bean because she was really tall.

I realize that now but when I made the comment for some reason I skipped that part.