The nickname that sticks

By ap84 - 27/02/2009 21:47 - United States

Today, after soccer practice, I was walking to the car with my dad. My teammates waved and said "BYE POTHEAD!" They call me that because they think my head is shaped like a pot. Of course, my dad didn't believe me. I'm grounded now because I have an abnormally-shaped head. I've never smoked pot. FML
I agree, your life sucks 83 850
You deserved it 5 628

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What an unreasonable and irrational father.

Tell your Dad he's a fool and that you'll take a drug test to prove him wrong.. Hope it all works out, Pothead


If ur grounded and have nothing to do, how about smoking some pot? ;)

caitlin_marie 0

ah gosh, that sounds like something that would happen to me. just be straight with your dad i guess. look him in the eye and tell him dead out- you are a drug virgin.

caitlin_marie 0

oh yeah- and if that doesnt work, you might as well smoke pot. if your going to get in trouble- why not go ahead and do the crime? :]

musicalmandi16 0
lollipop217 0

go smoke some pot, then at least it will be worth it

Weaseltotheface 0

wow..what is it with parents and 'guilty until proven innocent' them and highschool teachers and principals

#62: Indeed. -_- OP: Aaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. I feel you, I really do. My parents are irrational as all hell, despite what they like to tell themselves, but still... aaaaaaaaaahahahahahahahahahahahahaaaaaaaahahahahhhahahaaha... ahhh.

i agree with number 65... but I wouldn't believe kids would call you pot head because you have a pot-shaped head if you were my kid... FYL