The talk

By airplanes-suck - 21/08/2009 00:20 - United States

Today, I went on a plane and was sitting next to a mom with her 12-year-oldish daughter. Apparently, they decided to have "The talk." On the plane, right next to me. I heard everything, and actually learned new things. I'm 35. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 331
You deserved it 6 683

Same thing different taste

Top comments

A little sad, but I'm assuming it was an in depth discussion? 3:


Seventeen made me roll on the floor laughing.

Well if you learned new things, that's good, no...?

BikerMike 0

I'm glad you now know the difference between a Cleveland Steamer and a Dirty Sanchez, but I don't think parents ought to be teaching that to their young kids anyways. If the kids are too lazy or stupid to Google it, let them learn it the hard way.

Lmao why would they do it on a plane, where everyone can hear? I bet you're not the only one who heard, OP.

fangsupKELS 0

Haha my mom gave me "the talk" in our car as we were going to get friendlys. She ruined a perfectly good icecream trip and it was soooo akward

lacedheadbands 0

#41 and others -- at least your parents/guardians gave you the talk

Indeed... I can't remember recieving "the talk" myself. Hooray for the Internet!

As the saying goes, you learn something new every day.

So you finally learned what a rusty trombone is? Now you know...and knowing is half the battle. Today's word is "blumpkin".

BeccaBek 0

Not FYL....F that 12 year old girl's life for getting "the talk" in public.