The Thin White Duke

By DJ Clitter - 16/04/2012 19:35 - United States

Today, I was in the car with my daughter when I narrowly missed hitting a car after running a stop sign. After she screamed at me and demanded to know what I was doing, I had to admit that I'd been daydreaming about David Bowie. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 103
You deserved it 33 570

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Not only did you almost endanger your daughter, you almost endangered other drivers. People like you don't deserve to have your license.

Mademoiselle_fml 34

I don't blame you. David Bowie's one sexy beast ;)


TickleMeTroy 1

NO. Just, no. Leave Bowie out of this.

sillycart 9

Aww who thumbed my comment about josh down :(. I'm just stating the facts.

sillycart 9

No one here gets humor noor. Megan fox and jhutch are both hot people. People need to calm down and take a joke. Apparently only u and me get sarcasm.

36- Me disagreeing with yiu does not make me a troll. And fanboy? This isn't a ******* video game. I was stating a fact. Someone mentioning turning gay does not automatically make them a homophobe. That word is abused more than I can say, including your case. You guys can continue to thumb me to hell, but I stand by my statement.

Earth to Tom. Earth to Tom. Major Tom, do you read?

I didn't read 16's comment before I wrote mine. Sorry, guys.

georgeamb2 0

You must be an Asain mother lol

Here's an idea for you - leave your daydreaming to your midnight masturbation sessions. While you're piloting a 2000 kg missile loaded with highly explosive fuel and surrounded by similar missiles, KEEP YOUR ******* EYES AND BRAIN ON THE ******* ROAD.

Look out folks we have a badass over here.