The Thin White Duke

By DJ Clitter - 16/04/2012 19:35 - United States

Today, I was in the car with my daughter when I narrowly missed hitting a car after running a stop sign. After she screamed at me and demanded to know what I was doing, I had to admit that I'd been daydreaming about David Bowie. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 103
You deserved it 33 570

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Not only did you almost endanger your daughter, you almost endangered other drivers. People like you don't deserve to have your license.

Mademoiselle_fml 34

I don't blame you. David Bowie's one sexy beast ;)


you were daydreaming about his labyrinth bulge weren't you? My female friends say it's magnificent...

I love the fact that in your previous comment, you were telling people to "shut the **** up" and "get the **** off" and now you're saying to keep rude comments to yourselves... Little miss contradiction eh?

Kayla, I have seen only 3 comments of yours. All of which have been voted down quite a lot. 3/3 comments. Once in a while? Or all the time for you?

I dream about the other guy from Wham... He was so dreamy if I could remember what he looked like.

No thanks, I can only read so many stupid comments in a day.

Sounds like your daughter should be the one driving, idiot.

If you don't want rude comments don't post something ignorant. Then try and retaliate by saying 'haters gonna hate :)' so these supposed 'haters' think you don't care even though you previously showed, rather clearly might I add, how much it gets under your skin.

Ahh, sometimes even men daydream of David Bowie. He's just that attractive.

So really, it's David Bowie's fault.