The Three Bears Conundrum

By Madison43097 - 24/09/2009 20:57 - United States

Today, I was cleaning out from underneath my bed and found a used condom. I've never had sex in my own room. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 808
You deserved it 2 547

Same thing different taste

Top comments

OhhxGoshhxAri 0

You know, that really makes you wonder who's that was. If it's your parents, then FYL. That would be gross. :x


...why the "own"? did you use your parents' room? your little sister's?

Did it ever occur to u her boyfriends room???

amberita28 0

What did u say when u found it? Hey...this isn't mine! What tha?

bweeshiz 0

The only thing im grossed out by is whos room have you been having sex in!

emo__love 0

oops i thought it was mii room. sorriie dude. can u give it back i might need it. lmfao

_adrenaline 0

YDI b/c if you haven`t had sex in your own bed, whose bed(s) have you been having sex in??