The truth will always come out

By cmendez - 26/02/2010 05:02 - United States

Today, my mother, who is 75 years-old, just told me and my sister that we were adopted. I'm 45 years-old and my sister is 49. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 883
You deserved it 2 309

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Parents are those who raise, not those who knock someone up/get pregnant.

iEmily 0

bit late to be telling you that.


0mfgz 0

I think that's a bit late to be telling you.

wow... what a shock! My only question is about your older sister. She was four when you came around... she didn't notice that her mom wasn't pregnant?

probably thought it would be easier for you two to handle when you're older? but i personally think thats a little late.

truth'll get over it. and if u don't that's pathetic

thats shitty...coldblooded even. your mom deserves a kick in the ******.

It's better to tell kids from the beginning that they are adopted. It really won't bother them, because they'll think it's normal and not unusual. Parents think it would scare them. It won't. When kids are born they know nothing of the world and they accept everything as normal. They'll think nothing of the fact someone else conceived them.

I have to say that I agree with #81. Why hide things like that from kids? They'll only find out eventually and wonder why you lied to them for so long - even if it was just omission (i.e. Not overtly lying but letting them live under a misapprehension regarding their parentage). My younger daughter is an IVF baby and has always known. She thinks it's kind of cool that we have pics of her at the 2nd cellular division stage...

#81 What you say is not the same for all. My dad was adopted and when he found out at the age of 10, it made him feel isolated. He had and still has no sense of belonging. Just curious, but are you speaking from personal experience or are you just guessing that children feel that way? #83 Your comment is interesting, but even with IVF the child is still yours, it's not like adoption.

why the hell are you even on fml if you're that old? get a life.

jose18 3
jose18 3