The wagon

By mhmm... cumsquats - 09/02/2013 23:26 - Belgium - Kessel-lo

Today, after much coaxing, I finally got my roommate to loosen up and have a couple of beers with me and my friends. It was only later in the evening that he admitted the real reason he hadn't wanted to drink: he's an alcoholic and had been sober for six months, until now. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 935
You deserved it 61 424

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's why when someone doesn't want to drink, you just ******* drop it. YDI


You should have listened when your roomie declined. While it would have been nice if he'd told you why he can't drink, he's under no obligation to tell you something. The next time someone says "no", you listen. Definitely F your roommate's life and YDI.

YDI for pestering someone to do something after they said no more than once. F your roommate's life, I hope this didn't set him back too much. You ******* dickwad, OP.

Satoaoi 13

you monster. idk next time umm. don't force someone to so something they clearly dead set against.

Monster? really? you dont think that was a little harsh?

I see how it is op. first of all, you pressure your girlfriend (for 16 months might I add) to have sex with you. & after that disappointment, you just had to pressure your roommate into drinking again, didn't you? for shame..

Dumb ass. If someone keeps saying no, don't pressure them. Obviously he's not proud of it or you would have known. But a simple okay cool thought I'd ask would have sufficed. Ydi

No one has mentioned this: recovering addicts are warned to avoid associations with people and places connected to their addiction. The addict in this FML put himself on dangerous ground by rooming with a guy who drinks and encourages him to drink also. OP is not responsible for that, whether or not he was pushy with the booze.

crazytwinsmom 25

Some people are assigned roommates in college dorms. It's not always a choice.

but they can ask for a transfor if they have a good reason and this would be a good reason

iJUSTINsane 12

I can't stand people like OP. I'm not a recovering alcoholic but don't always like to drink, and I've had people pour me huge drinks and physically put them in my hand after several polite refusals; it's incredibly irritating.