The wagon

By mhmm... cumsquats - 09/02/2013 23:26 - Belgium - Kessel-lo

Today, after much coaxing, I finally got my roommate to loosen up and have a couple of beers with me and my friends. It was only later in the evening that he admitted the real reason he hadn't wanted to drink: he's an alcoholic and had been sober for six months, until now. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 935
You deserved it 61 424

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's why when someone doesn't want to drink, you just ******* drop it. YDI


joljenni1717 4

My dad's an alcoholic. He hasn't had a drop of alcohol since the day I was born. Yet he still says he IS an alcoholic, not WAS an alcoholic. The temptation is always there. He doesn't even like medicine because more than likely there's alcohol in it as well in as mouth wash. If someone says they don't want to drink, why push them? It's sad if you need to nag people into drinking with you. Great people don't need alcohol to have a good time. Or to push the ones they care about into doing whatever they want. YDI...big time!...but your friend...he deserves better.

never push someone to drink, ever. they all have their reasons... and you seem to have learned that the hard way. I hope you can somehow make it up to your roommate.

catkat1988 17

Yeah, don't coax anyone into drinking. Ever. I personally hate when people do that. I'm not an alcoholic, and I never was, but I'm not a big fan of alcohol. I drink on a few occasions, but it's pretty rare, and people have tried to push me so many times - often implicating that I'm no fun, or won't have fun myself, unless I drink. It's gotta be a person's own choice what one will put into one's system.

I think both the roommate and op are in the wrong on this one. The roommate should have told OP they are going to be living together for a while and he should have told OP so that OP wouldnt bring any booze into there dormroom or invite him out drinking to avoid temptation because, even though in most dorms in against the rules, it would be just a matter of time before OP would bring atleast beer into the room to keep it there and the the roommate would have that booze there and would probably have to explain to OP anyway about being an alcoholic. That being said OP should have dropped it after the first few time that the roommate said no and maybe suggested a different way to get to now each other instead.

I do believe it is not your life that is ******. What is wrong with you, regardless of knowing that your roommate was a recovering alcoholic, why on earth would you pressure anyone to drink? There are a number of reasons people wouldn't want to drink and it is not your position to try to convince them otherwise.

Every time I come onto to the comment section of this website I'm surprised by how angry some people get with the OPs like in this one. The OP posted the FML. Clearly they know they are in the wrong. How were they to know their room-mate was a recovering alcoholic? Also it says coaxing. Not pressuring, not shouting at him until he decided to drink. Coaxing. Which for all we know could have only happened when the OP was in the room drinking with friends. It's now January. They will have been living together since September. If it took this long for the room-mate to accept a drink it doesn't sound like the pressure to do it was that high. In fact if the room-mate was 6 months sober they would only have just been on the wagon when they started college so they should have realised the situation they would be in.

You should also offer people soft drinks and water, not just beer. Stop pressuring people. YDI.

I really hate people like you, thinking if a person doesn't drink their not ' good enough'. Nice job, OP and your obxnious friends.

SnoochBoochie 14

The only thing you should hate, is hate itself.

i don't get it why u have so many thumb-down,to quit drinking definately takes a huge amount of self-control,u can blame others for offering alcohol without even knowing it.