The wagon

By mhmm... cumsquats - 09/02/2013 23:26 - Belgium - Kessel-lo

Today, after much coaxing, I finally got my roommate to loosen up and have a couple of beers with me and my friends. It was only later in the evening that he admitted the real reason he hadn't wanted to drink: he's an alcoholic and had been sober for six months, until now. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 935
You deserved it 61 424

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's why when someone doesn't want to drink, you just ******* drop it. YDI


Seems OP has a hard time taking NO for an answer.

When you are an alcoholic or addict, you are supposed to treat it like a diabetic. "No, sorry, I can't have sugar." I'm not telling OP, the roommate was leaving the option open to drink. While it may be embarrassing, alcoholism has been, and is, a deadly disease, and the sufferers should treat it as such. I do agree that OP should not have pressured him, alcoholic or not. Some people just don't like to drink. But, if OP is an alcoholic himself, which it sounds like out could be, a he believed alcohol is needed in order to 'loosen up'.

I mean sure he should've told you but PEEEER PRESSSSURE. Now you're THAT guy.

totally irrelevant but I find it funny that the whole time I'm reading this and the comments an ad for the new movie side effects is being displayed at the bottom of the FML app lol

YDI, even if you didn't know, if someone doesn't want to drink you don't pressure them into it

OP Should've just sucked it up and left the poor guy alone, obviously he had a good ******* reason not to drink,

This is why you don't force people to drink, no means no.

yourmofo 6

He should of just said he was a recovering alcoholic. Apparently he didn't do a good job resisting temptation. You didn't know. Don't take it so hard.

One one hand you shouldn't pressure him, but on the other hand after a certain amount of asking or even immediately, he should've let you know that he is recovering.