They made me do it

By Cat - 07/11/2011 04:43 - United States

Today, I caught my boyfriend cheating on me. His response? "It's not like I liked it." FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 203
You deserved it 3 902

Same thing different taste

Top comments

thingamajiga 5
Confuciussay 6

You don't want to get caught cheating if you're going out with 13.


tell him its over then kick him in the balls

leadman1989 15

52 - Says the guy with I love hooters as his pic. :p

Not saying that 33 should be hitting on people on FML, but he was feeling nice enough to give a compliment; there is nothing wrong with compliments, except for when they are on FML.

You dated him, you deserve it. Next time put some effort into finding a nice guy, they won't cheat on you.

He must have read too much into the lyrics to SHAGGY'S song, Wasn't Me.

If you're still with him now...then unfortunately I'm going to have to say that you deserve anything that happens from now on. You know what he's capable of, so dump him and find someone better.

SmittyJA24 26

You (and he) aren't married; therefore, it's not "cheating". Move on, child. Move on.

#73 Really?!? Just because they aren't married doesn't make it right. Cheating is cheating. Especially when a couple is in a relationship. Your the one that needs to grow up and realize that a relationship should have respect and cheating isn't anywhere near respectful.

13FTW 9

But, who doesn't love hooters?