They tried to make me go to rehab…

By drunkenloser - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my alcoholism reached a new low when I found myself sitting on the toilet drinking a bottle of wine. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 501
You deserved it 39 108

Top comments

vexus_fml 5

try AA meetings, they usually help

CallMeMcFeelii 13

Red or white? I personally believe white pairs the best for on the toilet.


DrownedMyFish 18

I don't blame you. Constipation can be a bitch.

perdix 29

Do you choose a different wine if you're peeing or pooing? If you match the bouquet of the wine with your bodily excretions, you're not an alcoholic, you're a connoisseur!

perdix 29

#9, you might want to add some fiber to your diet. I humbly suggest switching to whole-grain Eggos.

"Do you have the time To listen to me wine?" Well, sitting on the thinking chair can make Riesling a lot easier for me.(:

martin8337 35

Wine is fine, but whiskey's quicker, suicide is slow with liquor:-)

CallMeMcFeelii 13

About nothing and everything all at once. I am one of those melodramatic fools. Neurotic to the bone no doubt about it. Sometimes I give myself f the creeps, sometimes my mind plays tricks on me. It all keeps adding up and I think I'm cracking up. Am I just paranoid? Or am I just stoned? Ah, old Green Day.. My summer anthems.

fooltemptress 36

Realizing you have a problem and admitting it are huge first steps! I really hope you follow them up by going to AA meetings or seeking help elsewhere.

You need to get help before you get a DUI and are forced to.

As everyone said go to's good advice...and if you want to try on your own drop down to one less glass a week and go from there...

olpally 32

Get help. Please! First step is admitting you have a problem op, ,which is what you did now. you've got a long road ahead of you after that though. Good luck.

The hand of AA always welcomes you! All you need to remember is to stay sober 24 hours