They tried to make me go to rehab…
By drunkenloser - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United States
By drunkenloser - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United States
Do you choose a different wine if you're peeing or pooing? If you match the bouquet of the wine with your bodily excretions, you're not an alcoholic, you're a connoisseur!
Ew. That is all.
"Do you have the time To listen to me wine?" Well, sitting on the thinking chair can make Riesling a lot easier for me.(:
About nothing and everything all at once. I am one of those melodramatic fools. Neurotic to the bone no doubt about it. Sometimes I give myself f the creeps, sometimes my mind plays tricks on me. It all keeps adding up and I think I'm cracking up. Am I just paranoid? Or am I just stoned? Ah, old Green Day.. My summer anthems.
You need to get help before you get a DUI and are forced to.
Umm, you won't get a DUII on the toilet.
Dumping Under the Influence.
Peenot Grigio?
As everyone said go to's good advice...and if you want to try on your own drop down to one less glass a week and go from there...
The hand of AA always welcomes you! All you need to remember is to stay sober 24 hours
try AA meetings, they usually help
Red or white? I personally believe white pairs the best for on the toilet.