They tried to make me go to rehab…

By drunkenloser - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my alcoholism reached a new low when I found myself sitting on the toilet drinking a bottle of wine. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 501
You deserved it 39 108

Top comments

vexus_fml 5

try AA meetings, they usually help

CallMeMcFeelii 13

Red or white? I personally believe white pairs the best for on the toilet.


XxQuartersxX 14

I can't believe there are so many YDIs on this! Do people not get that addiction is something that spirals out of a person's control? Alcoholism is a disease, and while I am so sorry that you've got such a serious problem, I hope that maybe you realizing and acknowledging it can be the push that gets you to look into recovery. I wish you all the best with ridding yourself of the addiction, OP.

OP - Hon, I think it's time you started seeing someone in regards to your drinking. And they say that recognizing your problem is the first step to overcoming it...

Little4Bear 10

Don't flatter yourself buddy. OP wasn't looking for sympathy from you individually.

Little4Bear 10

You kiddin'? I call dibs on the sink :)

kbabylvr21 10

I hope you get help, op. My mom was a drunk and the highlight of my 4th bday party was her collapsing on the floor passed out, while I was trying to show her my new toy vacuum Not the best memory to hold on to

SystemdefinatiV 2

Well you sound like a good time.

anarchy94 7

i woke up with a black eye and a concussion once after drinking, that was pretty much my wake up call.