
By ExtemelyBroke - 06/06/2009 02:24 - United States

Today, I checked my bank account that I've been saving money in since I was a kid for college. I have $100 left out of the $10,000 I had last month. Apparently my parents thought buying a pool and an HDTV for themselves was more important than my college education. FML
I agree, your life sucks 131 742
You deserved it 6 458

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sue. Sure, they're your parents, but God, being inconsiderate like that. It's your future.

That really ought to be illegal. You get screwed if your parents don't meet their financial aid obligations for your education, so there should be some legal requirement for your parents to meet those obligations.


brink0war 3

#31, To be in college, you have to graduate high school. And you're usually 18 when you graduate.

Tim3 0

theres no way that parents could be such bad people

I can relate to that. I saved half of my paychecks all through high school and just deposited them into my savings account for college, because my parents always told me that after high school I was on my own. They were nice enough to buy me a laptop though. I didn't really like the particular brand or features, but it wasn't my money they were using so I was just grateful I didn't have to buy it. As my freshman year of college drew closer I went to the bank to withdraw some money so I could buy my text books. I was missing thousands of dollars. It turns out that my parents went into my savings account and spent my own money on a graduation gift...that I didn't even want. And when I started going at them about it, they said I was ungrateful and greedy. IT WAS MY MONEY!

Wow that totally sucks... Sorry!!!!!! Ur parents r so inconsiderate!!!!!! I'd say call the tv company and take the hd and evrything away from them and charge entry for the pool until they pay u bak'!!!!!

Satoyuki 0

#78 is a retard. Most teens have no expenses. Working full time during summer and part-time during the school year, in 3-4 years you can easily have 10k if you aren't spending your money on stupid shit. (Especially in a state like mine where minimum wage is now $8 an hour.)

Sue them for breach of trust, assuming the money was held on trust for you then there's a clear breach of their duties.

I feel for you as I had a similiar experience when I was a teen, but on a much smaller scale. My dad made me put $20 in his sock drawer every week for my car insurance. There were a few times he let me slide, but NOT often. When insurance we due, he came to me screaming, accusing me of "stealing" my own money. I hadn't of course. Not at all as I was terrified of my father. He then said he let me slide once too many times, and made me pay back the $200 dollars missing from his drawer. What I'm pretty sure had happend is that he dipped into there a 20 here, 40 there until he used it half of it, and when insurance was due he was short. So, not only did I pay him and he spent it, he accused me of being a thief and made me pay him back!

Like WTF in Ireland NO ONE has access to your bank account other than the person who's name is on the account, aren't they like that strict in the US? Deffo fyl but ydi too!

To the people who said that the account shouldn't have been shared w/ the parents 1) When you're a kid, you can't get an account w/ out your parents name on it and 2) I hope most people wouldn't assume that their parents would steal from them. I've shared an account with my mom for years, but it's mainly just so she could transfer money into that account if I ever get in a bind (I'm in college, but I know, I have it good). Even bad people can become parents, though... be careful if you think your parents might rip you off like that. You can have your parents' names taken off your account when you're 18, I think.