This boy

By GirlinGreen - 30/04/2009 01:34 - United States

Today, I was babysitting a four year-old. He was mad and began hitting me. I told him to use his words not his fists when he's mad. He then began telling me how much he hated me, and that I should go die and never come back. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 454
You deserved it 18 513

Same thing different taste

Top comments

And? He's four, four-year-olds are jerks and need their ass kicked.

What the hell did you do to him anyway? I certainly didn't go around demanding people's deaths when I was four.


MKC_fml 0

I agree with #18. this isn't a fml, it's crap.

Actually in this case I'd be more inclined to blame his parents. A four year old doesn't learn to treat people like that out of the blue. I bet he'd had a frustrating day, and one of his parents shouted at him, so angry and miserable that they weren't home yet, he took it out on you

This afternoon i found out i had a deformity in my knee. surgery required and 3 months out. when i was 12 i tore a medial ligament in my knee. i broke my ankle in 2 places. i then broke my foot. i then broke my leg. i then had numerous other injuries including a fracture in my knee, growth pain and my medial ligament on my other knee torn. i used to play football (soccer) with guys now in the australian u17 side. IVe missed 2 opportunities to go overseas because of injuries. injuries have kept me out of soccer for over 2 and a half years. my parents are getting divorced right now too. **** my life

Well ummm I think this is a bit more server than the 4 year olds tantrum

#26: WTF is your issue? What does this have to do with anything at all?

It's pretty sad that you let a four-year-old get to you way to have self esteem.

What have you been showing this kid, Sesame Street on crack?

Also got to agree with #10. I highly doubt a 4 year old could come up with something that nasty of his own volition.

ohhhhshizzz 0

#26: We honestly, don't give a ****.