This good enough for ya?

By pukishgirl - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - India

Today, my boss was skeptical when I told her I had a terrible migraine and needed to go home for the day early. I removed all her doubts by puking over her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 819
You deserved it 2 957

Same thing different taste

Top comments

DakotaCat 4

In the words of Cleveland Brown "that's nasty:


I say F your boss's life. I would much rather be the person puking than the one being puked on.

I get migraines a lot too, they're ******* horrible. What a bitch for not believing you.

MuchDance90s 0

most people who have never had one just cannot understand how a "headache" can be so insanely painful but it is, oh, it is :(

They also refer to their quaint little "meh, it's there, but it isn't killing me" headaches as migraines, and that makes me want to just go up to their faces and shout, "YO HON, YOU ARE NOT HAVING A MIGRAINE IF YOU'RE FREAKING HUMMING! IT'S AN ITTY BITTY HEADACHE! GET OVER YOURSELF!!!!!!" but I have yet to do so :(

This isn't always the case. I was diagnosed as a migraine sufferer when I was 9 years old, so I know what I am talking about. I have gone to work many, many times with a migraine that wasn't extremely severe, but it made looking at lights uncomfortable. I have had migraines for weeks on end during university exams, and have written them successfully (and I have a 4.0 + GPA).... When I was 13 I ran a 2k race with a severe migraine (I threw up just before), and got I think 9th place out of 200ish people. In most cases, you are right in that many people claim to be experiencing a migraine when they're really not. But don't assume that someone's not experiencing a migraine just because of how they are acting. It's not always the most clear indicator.

RedPillSucks 31

Is this an FML for you or the boss? There should be a SDI button.

well at least she'll never doubt you anymore!

#35 obviously hasn't had a migraine. I'd rather get puked on then have a migraine so intense it causes me to vomit.

*than. dammit! I hate when I have to grammar Nazi my own comment. you know what they say: what's good for the goose...

Same with 16. This thread is just full of folks who have never had migraines and can't comprehend how absolutely debilitating they are.

woo!! pukin' rally! there's a couple hot dogs n' there if y'all want some!

YDI for having a female boss and not putting her back in the kitchen where she belongs, for being so weak-stomached that a little headache makes you puke, for even having a job at all, and for not being able to tough out a little headache. Did you need mommy to tuck you in too, Cupcake?

musedrummer 0

Your a retard! A migrane is alot worse than a little headache. And as for your childish sexist attitude, you disgust me! Grow up!

No! YOU grow up! BTW: *you're *migraine *a lot

CheshireHalli 19

Someone who has never heard of Trollz. =.= Go, Trollz!

my2centsworth 15
ladybugobgyn 0

troll, you need a mop to the head!

If you disagree with what a troll says, you aren't supposed to feed it. That is their food source.

#65: Don't threaten ME with a good time! #82: OM NOM NOM NOM NOM NOM!!!

Congrats, you now have a perfect work excuse for the future.

howipostfml 0

I believed you from the start...