This good enough for ya?

By pukishgirl - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - India

Today, my boss was skeptical when I told her I had a terrible migraine and needed to go home for the day early. I removed all her doubts by puking over her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 819
You deserved it 2 957

Same thing different taste

Top comments

DakotaCat 4

In the words of Cleveland Brown "that's nasty:


secretvampire13 0

whoever just said that they never complained on FML about getting sick all the time....YOU JUST DID!

Oh how I love fml. This is so appropriate to my day yesterday, but ok, I only fainted on my boss but it was embarrassing as hell!

Sorry, but what does it means "puk over" ? I'm french and this word isn't in dictionnary. I ask me why...

bitch deserved it imo. You should be posting this on MLIA

good job, that'll teach that bitch to doubt u:)

jkweenjkwrntjkrw 0

FHL. At least she knows your not a liar

OP, the real question is : Does you wife see a therapist for her trust issues while you sleep with the nanny?