This good enough for ya?

By pukishgirl - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - India

Today, my boss was skeptical when I told her I had a terrible migraine and needed to go home for the day early. I removed all her doubts by puking over her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 819
You deserved it 2 957

Same thing different taste

Top comments

DakotaCat 4

In the words of Cleveland Brown "that's nasty:


yeahh you go girl... put that boss in her place

you are such a wuss! work through your migraine! like me!

You obviously aren't getting migraines then. You're being the pussy and calling your everyday headaches migraines. You don't know what they're like until you have them. It isn't physically possible to work through them.

Actually, it is for some people. I would know because I have to. I am diagnosed as chronic (more than 15 days of migraine per day), but I am a full time student. I write exams, go to class, and go to my part-time job, all with migraines. Mind you, I can't do this with the most severe ones. As for the idiot you're replying to, you're right, they don't know what they are talking about if they are calling a migraineur a "wuss".

there should be a 'she totally deserved it' button :D

ha! that's pretty nasty but funny at the same time. so, do you still have a job?

ThePersonalDream 0

At least she finally believed you. Well, once you have given her evidence that is.

truthunfolded 0
aliceharper 0

now she probably thinks you were hungover lol