This good enough for ya?

By pukishgirl - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - India

Today, my boss was skeptical when I told her I had a terrible migraine and needed to go home for the day early. I removed all her doubts by puking over her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 819
You deserved it 2 957

Same thing different taste

Top comments

DakotaCat 4

In the words of Cleveland Brown "that's nasty:


I have wished on numerous occasions that I could throw up on my old boss. This would be a dream come true to me. :)

notsoluckypup 12

at least thrs a gd chnc ull feel better...hope u didn't get fired tho :-/

i dont think its and fml or a ydi, i think its more of a she deserved it

Today, I questioned an employee's claim that she had to go home because of a migraine. She backed up her claim by puking all over me. FML. (Sorry, her day was a lot worse than yours)

Have you ever had a migraine? Seriously. Getting puked on is easy to fix, you just go home, shower, and do some laundry. Migraines are a dibilitating neurological disorder that, more often than not, does NOT respond to medication, causes severe pain, sensitivity to light, sound, smell, and touch, and nausea. They can also cause Bell's Palsy (my friend had this happen to her). Even with me, my entire face goes numb when I get them, and I have actually been blind with them before. And they can go on for days, weeks, and so on. For you to sit there and say that being puked on is worse than that? You're ignorant, I'm sorry.

zach055 23

Just last week I puked at school, but you don;t see me complaining about it on FML. Last month, every day when I woke up, I puked due to terrible acid reflux. But did I complain about it on FML, no I didn't. Puking is not cause for an FML.

As someone who has both chronic migraine disorder and GERD, I can easily tell you that puking everyday due to acid reflux is infinitely more comfortable than migraines. Try being forced to stay at work when every single sound, smell, light, and movement cause nausea and pain so intense that you just can't take it. Migraines are a neurological disorder. Most people who have them do not respond to medication. That is much different than acid reflux, or even it's more severe form, GERD. Do some research.

Amen, Jasper. I pray that I vomit when I have my migraines because it makes some of the pain go away. I've done the whole vomiting thing before - for 6 months straight when the doctors couldn't figure out why my digestive system wasn't working at all - and it was immensely more comfortable than any migraine I've had.

Yeah, I agree. As much as I hate puking, it makes the migraine feel better. I have no idea why.

Wow. Some people can be so unsensitve. Migrains are torture, I'm sorry that happened to you OP

GoodLookingGeese 10

I hate people who don't focus on their work