**** up

By bun593 - 27/02/2010 01:52 - United States

Today, I gave a technical presentation to a group of male colleagues. I was surprised by how attentive they were until I went to the washroom and realized that they could see every detail of my nipples through my new shirt. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 397
You deserved it 16 304

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wear a t shirt bra with a shirt next time! There is no excuse for this! YDI


was it warm in the room or just a bit nipplely?

The__Redneck 7
hummingbug 2

OP, i don't care how small your are. there are bras in all sizes for a reason. use them. also, there's a thing called *undershirts* for people who like to wear see-through clothes. invest in both and maybe you'll have them paying attention to your presentation and not your breasts. YDI

goddessunleashed 0

like everyone else before me, i'm going to recommend a better structured bra, a SUIT JACKET, and chunky jewelry around your neck to keep the attention to your face. or you could try a more engaging presentation.

Classless 0

I'm never around when something like this happens. :(

jake316 0

i know right. every time theres a hot **** in the room im gone


wish i could have been there haha

anon2468 0