By Anonymous - 24/01/2012 10:39 - Australia

Today, I played Call Of Duty online against someone who turned out to be wanking. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 217
You deserved it 7 587

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Ohhh yeaaa........ Fyl indeed sir. This is stupid how is this an fml?!

perdix 29

Was this person beating you as badly as his meat?

bkkingkeokuk 1

Dam did he win because thats beast mode

Today, I played Call of Duty online. FML

perdix 29

So how did your masturbating go? Did you make provisions for an easy clean-up or did you just let it shoot everywhere?

perdix 29

This sounds like a modern variation of when one guy would defiantly say to another, "I can beat you with one hand tied behind my back." Definitely defiantly ;)

ExToRtiOn 0

I do that every time I get a MOAB

dragonlord354 4

Well, why didn't you shoot him while he was shooting the sock?