To boldly go where no man has gone before

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - United States - Boston

Today, my new boyfriend and I got intimate for the first time. He started whispering in my ear, but I couldn't understand him. He pushed me away and ignored me the rest of the night. Apparently it's a huge turn-off that I can't talk dirty in Klingon. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 238
You deserved it 6 047

Same thing different taste

Top comments

isabelf 17

your boyfriend sounds like he has some very odd fetishes...


He may know the language, but he apparently doesn't know the culture. The Klingon man should recite love poetry. If he doesn't even understand how Klingons behave, he doesn't need to act self-righteous about this.

At least he knew enough about human girls not to bite her face...

martin8337 35

#25 Klingons are a science fiction alien species so is the languages that was created by humans/earthlings.

OK. All human languages were created by earthlings.

martin8337 35

#33, Klingons are fictional characters.

martin8337 35

Then why not learn Spanish, French, German , Italian or Japanese? At least they are real languages spoken by real people.

Sounds like maybe you all aren't ready to make that step. Communication is super important the first time. Is it possible it was the first "I Love You" and since it went so terribly wrong he blamed it on a klingon fetish??? maybe that is less mortifying than a premature accident? Good luck OP.

I guess your boyfriend just went full retard? Or full Klingon? Can't decide...

Respect101 17

That doesn't make him retarded, just out there a little bit.

It looks like the guy from FML 20963971 moved from NY to MA.

The fact that you went back and found that FML in particular astounds me.