By bull-stuff - 18/01/2013 03:48 - United States - Columbia

Today, a bull escaped from the small farm down the street. It ended up in my yard and would not let me outside. I called animal control, who said, "We only deal with regular animals." FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 485
You deserved it 2 504

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe you can ask the owners of the small farm down the street to come pick up their rogue irregular bull? Just be sure to stay between him and the fine china to avert a real catastrophe.

15- I really want to cover golf balls in sandpaper and shove them up your asshole after reading your comment. Come on now.


starcrossddream 14

That's unfortunate OP; one of the many joys of county life. I've had escaped horses, cows, and goats in the neighborhood growing up, but never a bull.

Call your local news reporter. Not too long ago, I watched a story about an escaped bear that winded up in some guy's swimming pool. Funny as hell!

As others have said, call the farm. My Dad raises beef cattle so trust me the farmer is used to getting calls about strays. And as for the color red, cows are color blind. It's the movement that pisses off fighting bulls. A green cape would be just as effective to a matador.

I remember getting a call because a woman hit our cow with her car. We would always get calls from our cows getting out, eating the neighbors.grass. Stupid cows, but they sure tasted good!

ctlnaaia71 8

So? Call the little farm owners and tell them their bull is on your property, to go and get it.

what the hell do they classify as a regular animal?!?!

Special_Psycho 8

Well, 62, that's just bull (no pun intended). Animal control should handle all animals. I get it'd be more money spent on training but it'd also be more money spent on making this place safer.

Raccoons, cats, etc. I guess? I bet animal control only knows how to deal with small critters and dogs.

perdix 29

Good thing it's irregular -- otherwise it would crap all over your yard and you don't need that kind of bullshit!

I apologize, 16, for not reading your comment thoroughly. 18, why so? Have you ever seen a bullfight or even know about it?

ViviMage 39

Call the police and tell them you are afraid for your safety. They can shoot it with a tranquilizer dart, or a bullet.