By Anonymous - 10/07/2016 14:23

Today, a customer asked if we stocked gluten-free water. Then she got pissed when I laughed at what I thought was her joke. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 163
You deserved it 1 068

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It's next to the gluten free bottled air, duh.

Tell her you don't stock it but she could try checking in the toilets in the restroom


Don't worry I think we all would have laughed. I feel like if it was me I'd get in trouble for laughing in front of the customer but then my supervisor would be laughing with me after they left

Clearly you're new to retail. People ask dumb and weird questions all the time. I once had a customer try to get a discount on a calendar because it was already April. When people ask about things like this, you just have to give them an actual answer instead of assuming it's a joke. If it does turn out to be a joke, smile and say "people ask some pretty weird stuff sometimes, you just never know."

Yes Mam we do sell Gluten free water, however it is only available by prescription, our pharmacy is located right over there, have a great day!

Well OP there is only one thing left to do. Step one: aquire water Step two: label glutton free step three:????? Step four: Profit

It's going to happen one day, a company will publish "Water Zero, Water without Sugar" and people are going to grasp for it like gold.

Kind of reminds me of a story my fiance told me. A lady had asked for diet gluten free water.

healthcarechick 9

What a stupid ass!!! Gluten free water?!?!?!?! Smh

August42 10

If she was celiac or something, gluten food near the cups or water tap or on the waiters hands could make her sick. She might have just worded it badly.