By Anonymous - 29/11/2009 21:10 - United States

Today, a funny smelling liquid was sprayed all over the computer. Last week, I told my fully pottytrained but extremely reluctant toddler that he couldn't play Barney games until he used the big boy toilet. A 4 year old's revenge really sucks. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 904
You deserved it 5 606

Same thing different taste

Top comments

xenomorph 0

1. Find a way to neutralize the smell, perhaps vinegar. 2. Apply the substance to the computer, then dry off. 3. ???? 4. PROFIT!!!!!!!


1)Find your son 2)Drag him to the computer he peed on 3) Shout at him and tell him its a really disrespectful thing to do, tell him you love him and you want to make him a better person which is why you will have to carry out step number 4 4) Slap/Whip him as hard as you could (please non of that stupid pathetic time out 'punishment') 5) Tell him to clean it off If you think this is 'too violent' think again. My dad did this to me and im perfectly fine. I am not a serial killer or some freak.

^ win My dad would straight out beat my ass xD

He peed on your computer?! Pee on his game, see if he likes it. Sounds like you're raising a brat, OP. YDI.

malakian_fml 0

55# Yeah sure theres nothing wrong with you, apart from the fact that you think WHIPPING KIDS IS OK.....

Omg, it really amazes me how many anally PC people are on here today. There is NOTHING wrong with physical punishment with a kid who has done wrong and knows it. Heck, I myself had this as a kid. Both at home ( was made to go wait in my fathers room, which was almost as bad if not worse than the whack on my arse) and at school (corporal punishment). This was never done in a "I'm going to whup your ass because you have pissed me off by being/doing something naughty", but a "your have done something wrong, hence you must pay the consequences". Knowing you are going to be punished if you do something wrong is a very strong motivation as a kid to not do anything wrong. It really annoys me these days when people give more rights to children than adults. School teachers are not allowed to even raise a hand to a child, regardless of what the child does. A parent is not allowed to smack the child's bottom for being naughty, lest they get child services all over their business. The problem is most kids when they find something to use to their advantage they will use and abuse it. Don't let their cute exteriors fool you. Pretty much every child in this world will at some point be naughty, doing something they know they shouldn't but they do it anyway. If you don't give them some sort of boundrys with rules and punishments for breaking the rules then they will never learn. Just look at modern day Britian. See all the kids running around school swearing and cussing out the teachers. See them shouting at their parents and swearing at them or around then. That shit wouldn't have flown when I was a kid. Swearing at a teacher or generally acting out at school? Thats a cane across the ass. Shouting and swearing at parents or even around them? Thats a smack around the ear hole. Stop wrapping our children up in cotton wool. They are not all precious little angels. They need to know there are severe reactions to wrongful actions on their part. Oh and OP, YDI. If your going to let a 4 year old play computer they need to know it's a treat, not something they just get because.

athame1983 0

i would spank the crap out of that kid if he were mine jimboom---i dont think teachers should be able to beat children, that is insane and social services arent called unless children have physical marks on them like bruises they most definitely will not intervene with a parent spanking their child quit being ignorant

lmaoatyourlife 0

The OP said the child is fully potty trained, not that they are POTTY TRAINING him. I really don't see why everyone is focusing so much on that when it clearly states he is capable of knowing when he wants to use the toilet. And it's not like he pissed on the computer by accident, he did it deliberately, which basically shows he is potty trained because he is aware that he needed to go. OP, that does suck, but i do think your child is a bit young to be playing computer games (assuming that you let him play them often.) #55, you're an idiot. Beating you're child is disgraceful, and where i live it's illegal.

#59 - Is a open hand, not full power, swat across the buttocks abuse? How is a single swat "beating". I generally associate beating with leaving some kind of mark, which a swat won't do. I find it amazing that people, in general, are capable of seeing infinite degrees of severity only see one when it comes to spanking... all out child abuse.

Hmmm Good points from all! USA teens are out of whack as well sadly!

paladininwaiting 1

not sure about the laws in UK, but at least in Michigan, spanking will not get you sent to jail. The cops AND CS both have told me and my parents(they started fister-care and adopting when I was around 11) that it is perfectly ok to spank when necessary. This coming from THE people who took the kids away from their parents for beating them. Spanking does not equal beating, people. OP, that sucks, but I have seen some good suggestions for re-revenge on here!

Being fisted by a foster carer will definitely get them arrested.

A four year old isn't a toddler. A four year old ******** on the computer & refusing to use the toilet has issues you need to address with professional help.

Exactly. He's clearly deranged. OP fails as a parent.

Jacksgirl 1

I simply fail to understand why parents get SO bent over potty training. I never "trained" my children, I simply left the bathroom door open. "hey, mom, what are ya doing" became, "hey, can *I* do that? and voila! Kids using the potty... those kids are 17 and 18 now, and Just Fine. Parents are too worried about meeting "milestones" set by people who never HAD children. Your child will use the toilet when HE is ready and not a moment before. Offer the opportunity, the child WILL take it. Now, as for peeing on your computer... a 4yo is PLENTY old enough for the consequences of his actions. Supervise while HE cleans it!!

rachelbrianna25 0

um. i hope YOU didn't clean it up. You should make ur 4 year old clean it up and to teach him a lesson of his consquences.