By B_and_W - 21/11/2013 11:35 - France
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" When all the little girls in your neighborhood become ****** up little monsters"
well, that escalated quickly
Now this is a story all about how my life got twisted upside down and i'd like ya take a minute and sit right there and tell you how I became the killer of that pigeon right there. Became a bus drives born and raised , dealing with customers wastin up most of my days , chillin out relaxin , lookin at the bus stop, and I saw a child there, was up to no good ! Started smiling creepy (scared the neighbourhood) I run over one little pigeon and that damn girl screamed *'cept she's giggling with laughter as the pigeons brain flew in the air Sing to the tune fresh prince of bel air (theme )
I enjoyed your comment so much #125 I sang it out loud
You have too much time on your hands....
Oh god... When I read this comment it had 666 likes
Comment moderated for rule-breaking.
Show it anywayIt got published though, didn't it?
About your comment that is. Get a life
You obviously cared enough to comment.
No, sounds like something else might already have done that..
She's not necessarily heartless. When I was 5 my best guy friend tried to jump over a trash can and ended up cracking his head open. Me? I couldn't stop laughing. Same thing happened a little later when my best girl friend had a seizure in front of me AND when my teacher accidentally slammed a drawer on my hand and broke 2 of my fingers. It wasn't because I thought any of that was funny, but it's just how I handle stress, pain, and pretty much anything that upsets/worries me. Some people just handle things in strange ways. It doesn't mean that they're heartless.
What do you mean 'continues'?
But the OP will for the rest of his...
So when did OP said the girl was 5? He said "little girl", she could be 3 - 10.
Psycho kiddy
Her psycho self makes me wonder if her parents have anything to do with this.
Yes, because kids aren't known for their innocence and lack of understanding what-so-ever. Not.
little girls are the devil.
You just witnessed the birth of true evil.
CURSE YOU FOR BRINGING MATH INTO THIS SITUATION!!! Lol jk. Good for you; I never would've noticed xD
Guess the bird is now food for mice. The circle of liiifeee!
Why would she do that?
she may have sadistic personality disorder, where she likes to watch others suffer
Omg it's satin in little girl's body!
What kind of sick freak would waste good satin sticking it in a little girl's body?
I laughed too hard at that Pleo, LOL.
#11 omg like seriously how could you say that :O
Hail satin, lord of all fabrics.

That child may very well be the Demon Seed.
At least she won't be scarred for life. Heartless child haha.