By yep, she does have a tumblr - 18/07/2015 02:26 - United States - San Francisco

Today, a girl called me a racist, stereotyping asshole. All I did was ask a kid who happens to be Asian to tutor me in math. Which I didn't do just because he's Asian, but rather because he's in college and is actually a brilliant mathematician. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 534
You deserved it 2 130

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sounds like she is actually the racist one! Sorry OP.

Just walk away, not worth the argument or explanation. Let her think whatever she wants. You know the truth.


SauceySarah 30

OP, your name is hilarious.

Technically she's the racist for making assumptions about someone she doesn't know

Even if he wasn't a super smart mathematician, insinuating that a certain race or group of people is actually good at something should be a good thing... Usually the ones who cry over this stuff, will not walk down a dark alley full of questionable looking men at night. Why not? They stereotype that a bunch of men in a dark alley is a bad thing...this ability to stereotype has probably saved several lives...stereotyping is an essential tool everybody uses to understand people better, it's called pattern recognition... What happened in this case, she accused op of stereotyping and then stereotyped Op for being an a hole. Hypocrisy at its finest.

Some people just feel like they need to fight over stupid things to feel good about themselves. In this day and age everyone's fighting about something. You didn't do anything wrong OP.

kiakia0131 23

Not everyone on Tumblr is that stupid, I promise. I have been on Tumblr for years and have managed to not think every little thing has to do with race.

Racism is the discrimination because of skin color/race. So it wasn't really racism in the first place. Asians being good as math/sciences is just a stereotype. No one here is technically racist, but the girl that called OP racist is definitely rather assuming.

The only peole, in my honest opinion, who need defending are kids, the mentally incapacitated, and animals. Everyone else can defend themselves.

hey, there is a reason stereotypes exist.