By yep, she does have a tumblr - 18/07/2015 02:26 - United States - San Francisco

Today, a girl called me a racist, stereotyping asshole. All I did was ask a kid who happens to be Asian to tutor me in math. Which I didn't do just because he's Asian, but rather because he's in college and is actually a brilliant mathematician. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 534
You deserved it 2 130

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sounds like she is actually the racist one! Sorry OP.

Just walk away, not worth the argument or explanation. Let her think whatever she wants. You know the truth.


Just one of those wrong place wrong time moments.

the girl who said that has issues then and is prejudging others which is tremendously wrong in my book!

This girl sounds like she came straight out from tumblr

Looking at the OP's nickname, she did.

NodakN8V 25

And just think her sperm cell was the one that won...kinda puts things in perspective...

Technically, sperm that are slower are more likely to fertilize the egg because the earlier ones erode the egg wall. Make of that what you will.

Attacksloth 33

The OP's display name answers the one question I had for him/her.

People don't care. They just get offended at anything nowadays. Can I get some black coffee... why does it have to be black, what the hell man.

People get offended at the stupidest things nowadays. It drives me crazy.

AdamTB 26

Probably going to get thumbed down as well, but I'm admittedly not sure why 5 was buried? People that try to white knight for a group they're not even a part of are really annoying, and often end up looking foolish.