By Anonymous - 07/04/2011 13:28 - United Kingdom

Today, a guy who annoys me walked over. To avoid speaking to him, I pretended to be on the phone and he walked away. A few moments later, my phone rang. I looked around to see if he'd seen me. He had. He was the one calling me from down the hall. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 635
You deserved it 40 085

Same thing different taste

It's not what you think!

By Paula - 24/08/2024 12:00 - United States

Today, I was walking to work when I noticed a cute guy ahead of me. He turned into every single street that I needed to take, and I started to worry he might think I was following him. Just as I was about to overtake him and prove I wasn't a creep, he turned into the building where I work. He's the new intern. Now I have to avoid eye contact for the rest of my life. FML
I agree, your life sucks 269
You deserved it 217

Top comments

but you gave him your number and he annoys you?

Don't be rude and talk to him for a while. It's more like FHL cause he probably thought you were his friend.


cheyAnn 0

Not much of an FML. I've seen a lot worse..

Iknoweverything 29

You give your phone number to someone who annoys you? Talk about bitchy. (I'm assuming you gave him your number, since you knew it was him calling you, so obviously you have his as well.) I hope he was disgustingly nice to you so that the guilt was laid on.

That is completely freaking rude, you don't know if he was just trying to be nice and inform you of something embarrassing, like you had a hole in the butt of your pants or were trailing toilet paper, or if he was just coming to annoy you. How freaking hard is it to just talk to the guy for a couple minutes and see what he had to say and then excuse yourself politely.

lmaoatall 6

aaww he just wanted to reach out and touch someone. in this case it was you... time to start a new game, ring and ditch.

HeartnSoul 3

You're a bitch, you deserve anything bad you get. Why can't you come out and say it to his face you wuss? Tell him he annoys or tell him you don't like him so he stops talking to you or recognizing your existance. Stop wasting his time. And to finish that first sentence, I hope you get AIDs

Well played by that guy. He proved how arrogant you are. Overreacting is always your own fault.

jessdanceaway 0

That sucks so bad. I know people like that they won't stop even if you ask them nicely.