By "people these days" - 19/07/2013 20:36 - United States - Fairfax

Today, a kid was ranting that "people these days are so rude" and that "things were much better in the '50s." Annoyed, I asked the delusional twat what was so great about the racial segregation, rampant sexism, homophobia, and all the rest back then. He responded by punching me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 960
You deserved it 15 897

Same thing different taste

Top comments

He was just an immature child who couldn't admit he was wrong. All the same, argument won.

Varieus 30

It was much much worst back then, than it is now. The stuff today is 100x better in comparison.


deepunder 17

It's easier not to talk or leave the game if someone's being a bitch. Also the messed up mics are horrible. I can't stand being with those people.

You know, he is just a kid and its not like you get rewarded or anything for yelling at him. Just roll your eyes and walk away or something. In the 50s, at least people weren't shoving their noses up others asses! And that's what's wrong with society today!

well its true although those things occured tgere was good times too. you deserved it. and its quite annoying when someone like urself brings it up. like today is much better?

I think he was talking specifically about how people had more manners back then

doglover100 28

I would've loved to be a 70s or 80s baby.

Skofnung 4

To all those people saying he deserved it: No one deserves to get punched for speaking their mind. That's why we have a Freedom of Speech and not a Freedom of Assault. Seriously, what's the world coming to when people can't express their opinions or try and have a civil debate without getting hit for it?

Besides the sexism, I think the 50's would've been a much better time

There are girls that say that because "The Notebook" takes place during that time.

I only like the 50's in movies where guys are still romantic and stuff.