By Ari - 16/06/2011 04:19 - United States

Today, a man came up to me and punched me in the face. He turned out to be the guy my ex-girlfriend cheated on me with. Apparently, she told him we broke up because I used to beat her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 892
You deserved it 3 720

Same thing different taste

Top comments

As if cheating on you wasn't enough of an insult to you. Seems you'll be better off without her, she sounds like the personification of a grade A bitch.


that sucks. its time for some revenge.

If that had been true (it's obviously not), then I don't blame him. Really, the person to blame here is your ex-girlfriend. The guy was only trying to be chivalrous (misguided as it was). Sorry, OP! Did you get a chance to tell the guy that it wasn't true? You could have gotten revenge by revealing your ex's lie. Maybe then he wouldn't have wanted to be with her either!

alex6946 10

uhhh, girls that lie like that piss me off! >:O you should talk to her about what she said!

Isn't that assault? Get him charged. Give your ex the gift of a criminal bf.

a_nutritionist 10

and how is she screwed over by that? shes clearly got no issue going from one guy to the next. youve essentially just put her out a little bit, when shes the real cause of the problem

YVilla18 0

sorry but this ish was funny!

The_Darth_Wabbit 3

then you tell him "what the hell man? go beat up the man shes sleepin with right now." (use the fake text app on an ipod and make it say "omg this guy is amazing in bed!" and show the bf)

kg163401 0

why does the story not end with more blood from that guy? you should have beat his ass

now how exactly did u beat her there's different ways you know? there's beating that involves punching and fighting and there's another type of beating?