By toothpaste - 19/01/2012 12:17 - Australia

Today, a man crashed into my car. He then got out of his car, dug a toothbrush and toothpaste out of his bag, and tried to brush away the damage. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 417
You deserved it 2 316

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well let's just hope he doesn't forget to floss after


fernclogger 5

So the car has minty fresh breath;)

I think he knows how to fix dents. It sounds like he's a dentist.

linkinpark98 23

Hmm..... I see what you did there.

That's how I fixed the entire side of my car when I got t-boned by a semi.

You have nasty dents and dings in your car? Then you need to try new Dent Paste. With Dent Paste, you can just scrub those dents and dings away making your car look good as new. If you call now we will double your order. Here's how to order.

"there you go.. your grill is now sparkly clean! have a good day." *gets back in car and takes off*

He left your car clean and minty fresh, with a bright smile, free of gingavitis. I think you should thank him. Then hit him over the head and call the rubber suit squad to take him away.

KiddNYC1O 20