By toothpaste - 19/01/2012 12:17 - Australia

Today, a man crashed into my car. He then got out of his car, dug a toothbrush and toothpaste out of his bag, and tried to brush away the damage. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 417
You deserved it 2 316

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well let's just hope he doesn't forget to floss after


20 bucks. he used that toothbrush that night:)

photoshop healingbrush: you are doing it wrong

Aww. Well at least he was trying to help! It's the thought that counts :)

Toothpaste gets rid of the transferred paint from his car that would have ended up on yours. He is smart.

redneckcracka 13

I'm just waiting to read the "Today, I found out when you get into a car accident that a tooth brush and tooth paste won't brush away the damages. FML"

Lmao, that really does suck! But I hope you're okay.

SpeakOutLoud 1

At least he attempted to fix the damage. Quite considerate if you ask me