By seamonkeys - 21/03/2013 09:42 - United States

Today, a pregnant friend who is due in 2 weeks posted a picture of a baby on Facebook. I commented congratulations. She's still pregnant. It was a picture of her baby who died 3 years ago. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 374
You deserved it 13 084

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Not your fault - who posts pics of dead babies???

countryrose92 23

Not your fault Hun, you were trying to congratulate her, she prolly shouldn't of posted the picture of the baby so close to due date with out specifying more.


What's the difference between a Dead Baby and a tree? One is legal to hit with an AX.

mimiminx 23

Yeah dead baby jokes are ******* hilarious. Grow up

Mads_1234 28

You didn't know, OP. it's not your fault. May that baby RIP.

A family member of mine gave birth to a stillborn and no one mourned, because we celebrated the child's birth, not his death, there is always a lighter path to walk in life

jem970 19

Good for your family but I could not have done that

It's definitely not your fault, especially if the picture was of a new-born

some of these comments are really insensitive. maybe she posted a pic of her previous baby to remember it before the next one arrives into the world. that's like asking why people would post pics of their dead fathers or other relatives. but yes... captions would probably help in these ambiguous situations...

guckylynn 19

They're not insensitive, they're bringing up a valid point. She's so close to having a baby, and posts a picture of a baby, so people are automatically going to think she had the baby. It sounds to be like the mom is looking for attention so she did this to find someone to argue with. This way she can make people such as OP look bad and make herself a victim.

How is posting a picture of a baby you lost trying to make herself a victim? As a parent who has lost a child you always remember that child especially during another pregnancy. The people who are saying the expecting woman is at fault are being harsh in my opinion as well. Yes captions help but I'm sure things are running a million miles an hour in her mind.

hooligyn123 18

There may have even been captions and they didn't show, I have to actually click on the picture if I'm on my mobile to see captions. And yes I can comment without seeing captions. Also, seriously? What's the likely hood of some pregnant lady sitting there thinking "hey if I post a pic of my dead baby I can troll for peoples congratulations". More likely the lady was simply thinking and mourning of her child who passed away....

YES. thank you. and maybe OP didn't read the caption, you never know. both sides of the story have to be seen in these kinds of situations, there is nothing wrong with a mother mourning her child whether or not she is pregnant. it's as if people had no understanding of tragedy.

There's also the possibility the picture was posted on the anniversary of the death so the mother possibly didn't realize there could be confusion.

It obviously wasn't your fault at all. Unless the picture was more of a toddler than a newborn. In that case...

First of all, I'd like to re-assure you that this is certainly not your fault . Secondly, did you know that sudden, overwhelming surges of hormones are not at all uncommon during the third trimester? FYL, OP.

perdix 29

It sounds like she is putting a cruel test on her Facebook page to help her sort out the people who really know her from the fake FB "friends" that she wants to weed out. You failed, so expect the defriending ceremony soon.

Under the circumstances it was an easy mistake to make, your friend should understand