By Sad Sally - 24/04/2012 11:22 - United States

Today, a therapist told me that I was too depressed to attend his depression group meetings. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 692
You deserved it 2 971

Same thing different taste


Great, here come all the idiots claiming that depression isn't a real disease, the medications are all fake and only exist to make the pharmaceutical companies money, etc etc etc ad nauseum you're all idiots.

35, both my mom and my BF's mom have fibro :( its so miserable yet the doctors listen to his mom, but are still fighting that my moms last doctor was a quack and won't believe her :( its terrible.

twisted_cherub 14

Doc, I agree. Bipolar Disorder, ADD, ADHD, Schizophrenia, DID, PTSD, OCD and a host of other mental illnesses are real. But I think people are way to quick to believe a pill will solve all their problems. They do that with physical illnesses, too. I don't think drug companies invented these problems, but I do think they push too hard. Some cases do require meds, but too many people who don't need them want the easy solution and become dependent on a chemical for happiness and stability.

Yeah it's stupid when people tell me my ADHD is all in my head. Of course it's all in my head! My brain is in my head! That's like saying my kidney infection is all in my pelvis!

amandajlucas2015 2

I didn't see anyone say it wasn't real all Ty were saying was hope he gets better or tue therapists is dumb sooo idk where ur gettin ur info from

wiccanbeauty - Don't let anyone tell you that taking medication is a bad thing. There seems to be a common misconception, especially when it comes to depression, that taking medicine makes you either a bad person or somehow weak. We take medicine for headaches, high cholesterol, heart conditions, stroke prevention, erectile dysfunction...hell, there's even an eyedrop to make your EYELASHES grow. Why the **** not take a depression medicine?

fuckmebutdontfml 16

if it wasn't real why would my mom have been crying all week since she had to leave her antidepressants!?!?!

twisted_cherub 14

wiccanbeauty- If you, and your doctor, believe medication is best then it is. I never said you shouldn't take medication. I said it isn't always necessary. Trust your doctor and your own judgement. I hope you do find something that helps.

wlddog 14

Depression is a disease, but i would argue that not every person diagnosed with depression actually has it for a disease.

twisted_cherub 14

Until you get insurance (check with your local health department to see if you qualify for state-provided coverage) try lemon balm tea. It increases vitality, which helps. I've never found it in a store as tea, but many nurseries carry the plants. They survive nearly anything with enough water and a little sun, and a few leaves make a cup of tea. It's a hard battle, every second of every day. Feel free to pm me if you need to talk.

perdix 29

The same thing happened to me, except it was with sex addiction. Does that make you horny, baby?

Torva_fml 16

After seeing how many thumbs you can take, yes... Yes I am.

DKjazz 20

What happens at sex addict group therapy?

perdix 29

You'd think the therapist would want you there because all the other patients would get a real kick out of pointing and laughing at you, Debbie Downer. I may be bummed out, but at least I'm not her!

deransc 19

Yeah at least you could help other people feel better about themselves

There are such things as depression meetings? Sounds counter intuitive. Save your therapy money, buy a gym membership, cute gym clothes, a journal and every Eckhart Tolle, Tony Robbins and Deepak Chopra book you can get your hands on. Self-healing needs to start with you anyway. No one can do it for you. Write out your frustrations and know that if you are suffering because of what people say about you, words can only hurt you if you add meaning to them. I heard that from show and live my life by it. **** people and their judgmental attitudes. Only your opinion matters. People go through seasons. Even with the hardest Winter, there is always a Spring around the corner.

Because if it was that easy everybody would do it. There's a reason that the clinical psychology field has seen a boom since the 1950's...

What a nice thing to say!!!! And yes it's so true!!!! Good luck hope you're feeling better soon OP!!!

26- the brain is a powerful thing. People have healed beyond the expectations of doctors prognosis just through the desire to get better. There are some people that will never get better, but don't discount the fact that many many people have pulled themselves through just by believing they can. Also, for me, helping people even when I feel that I am the one that needs help makes me feel so much better to know I make a difference in someone's life. You have to try to move forward no matter how bad the circumstance because there are people in the world who are literally dying to be in your place. Medications and therapy won't fix you. You fix you.

Btw, I'm not saying people should get off of medication. I'm saying you have to help yourself to get better and not just passively wait for therapy sessions and medication to 'fix' you. If the therapy makes you feel worse, stop.

Depression is a crushing DISEASE. reading self help books will not help, they need professional help not someone saying oh spring is around the corner. The kid prob can't get out of bed.

If that's what you think counselling is, you have no idea.

smydiwannafthata 5

She was afraid that you might make her depressed. So, attend them anyway just to annoy her.

For severe depression, group therapy is not recommended. In fact group therapy has been shown to have a minimal effect at all, though it does work for some people. One on one therapy with a counsellor would be most effective, probably using the PCT or reflective therapy styles. ^_^ Psych Major

They just don't want you there. Go anyways.

And then that puppy will eventually die and she'll bury it. Then you'll get her a new puppy and it will dig up the old puppy and chew on it's bones. And her depression will reach an even greater depth. Life is a vicious circle...