By mmmtortilla - 24/04/2012 14:03 - Spain - Portugalete

By mmmtortilla - 24/04/2012 14:03 - Spain - Portugalete
By NewTenant - 20/06/2011 07:37 - United States
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States
By smellsgood - 13/03/2010 19:32 - United States
By Anonymous - 22/08/2009 19:48 - United States
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff
By Synonymous_Rex - 05/01/2015 21:26 - United States - Thousand Oaks
By potpurri_needed - 10/06/2009 17:37 - United States
By kaydebug - 15/08/2018 03:30
By Adulting - 31/10/2017 21:24
By Ariel - 05/10/2020 10:02
That's not immature! That's funny as hell and you have awesome humor!
You must be a Prepubescent little boy to find that funny.v
14- or you must not have a sense of humor.
14 Nope he just has a good sense of humor.
27 is right, not sure why you thumbed him down. If you got your heads out of your asses and looked at the top for a second you'd realize that OP is female. And 14, a woman with a good sense of humor, (or one with the sense of humor as a guy) is extremely attractive. If you were being sarcastic then I apologize, but try to make it more obvious if you were.
27 I don't know about the other people but I was referring to Skoomaki and (He) is a guy. I think....
That IS funny !
Agreed. Being able to identify something as immature is a sign of maturity!
#14- I sigh disappointedly in your general direction.
How does a bottle of detergent possibly sound like an ****** of any kind?
I would've laughed…
@112: The reason why everyone is telling 14 to get a sense of humor has more to do to the fact that 14 called SkoomaKi a "Prepubescent little boy", which is pretty disrespectful to be honest.
112, 14 expressed his/her opinion in a completely immature way by bringing insults into the mix. I inferred that 14 was talking about OP due to thread jacking becoming a popular trend. Either way, it's rude and not mature.
Your an idiot
Or maybe he has a sense of humor unlike you
OP. You know how I know you've never made a women ****** and maybe are still a virgin poser?? A queef isn't an ******. Never has been and never will be. It's trapped air. For Christ sake
Plenty of grown/mature guys laugh at fart jokes, so I wouldn't worry about it :) (and yeah, I know op is a woman, I'm just saying...)
^ it wasn't a fart joke though, it was an ****** sound. Btw does anyone else have a hard time imagining a detergent bottle sounding anything like an ******? Maybe a mans grunt I guess
OP is a clown shoe comedian. You youngsters don't know shit about that so back up bro.
201- You're not alone. I've been sitting here with a quizzical look on my face trying my damnedest to picture how (& I'm usually quite good with things of this nature.)
Maybe you should have just clicked the "I agree" button instead of even commenting.
I would have laughed.
AAHHHHHahhhhahhh ahh ah aah ahh ahh yeah yes yes oh **** me yes aaah ah AAHHHHaaahhhhhgggfdsdj
Ahh ah ah ah, ahh, ah yeah, **** me ah, ahhhhAAHHHHhhaahhhgggfbbj
I like woman's orgasms as much as the next guy, but I think it's a bit immature. It's lol funny, but not HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA funny. Laugh, but don't go crazy( not saying you did, OP) just don't listen to these guys saying its funny. You probably are too immature to wash clothes(but very mature about other household things)
Wait, what?! I was always told the female ****** is a myth! Damn Christian schools!
Wait, OP's a girl!! Well, in that case, it's very immature!
I think many of us would have laughed. The maturity level is tested on how long you prolong that incident. Thats how i would test it lol.
My immaturity level is 69.
On a scale of apple pie.
Come on, is it really that funny?!
5 Yes the concept of a detergent bottle orgasming is pretty funny.
That isn't funny to you? Where'd your sense of humor run off to?
Yes 5, it's really that funny. Loosen up a bit!
Don't feel bad. A couple months ago I bursted out laughing when I was pouring syrup on my pancakes.
Sounds like a sticky situation. (Sorry I couldn't resist.)
It doesn't hurt to laugh once in a while! And noone is ever too immature to do their own laundry, it's actually very mature.
^ do you look up every slang word that you read? Or are you just a prick?
I'm gonna go with he's a prick
Have to agree with 173.
I'm a guy and I have the same ******* glasses as you!
Possibly too immature to give a girl an ****** as well.
Im pretty sure she has since OP is a girl, unless she doesn't " flick the bean"
Tsss... Even children **********. -.-
77 - You don't need a penis to pleasure a woman... All you need is money or very good fingers and hands.
Bahahah that's jokes
102- bahahah that's jokes
I don't think having a dirty mind is a sign of being immature :D .. Or may be that's just me
Yep, that's just you. >.>
That's not immature! That's funny as hell and you have awesome humor!
I think you are referring to a queef not an ******.