By ugly - 10/07/2011 06:03 - United States

Today, a total stranger on the bus called me hideous and threw a soda in my face. I only asked him if the seat next to him was taken. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 189
You deserved it 3 515

Same thing different taste


some people....oh well, that sucks. But don't believe him! He must've just had a crappy day. :)

flashback.miss 28

geez...... was he off his meds or something.... and who's saying the op deserves this.....

I think you just said the definition of hideous.

bengalsbaby13 0

what are people's problems? haven't you ever heard of making someone feel good about themselves or maybe even being polite? got some own of your problems? haha

I am going to assume that he was either drunk, or raised in a cave.

MoCheezy23 0

it's freaking adorable! (goochie goo!)

break out the satanic rituals, that's how you get a seat on the bus. Foaming and possession usually works for me.

DKjazz 20

Seems like someone beat you to the punch on possession. Jeez...

sockmunky 3

there's always strange people on the bus.

KatrinaKitten 16

That's when you take the soda, and dump it all over him.

Huh, what an idiot. Tell him to get an effing life. Plus he wasted money on perfectly good soda. What a smart cookie. ;P

Oh the joys of public transportation.