By Anonymous - 05/04/2014 15:27 - United States - Iola

Today, a week after moving into my new house, I'm seriously considering suing the previous occupant. He failed to mention how the neighbor has his own band and rehearses every other day until 2am. Their music is so bad, it sounds like the wailing of a cat being tortured to death. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 332
You deserved it 5 495

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If it's so loud that you can hear from the next house, maybe you can call the police for a noise violation...? That's a thing, right?


greatkate2020 14

Call the police! Hello, there are laws about loud noise after 10pm.

This sucks? But you would lose your case because that's not something legally that has to be disclosed. Their are things that have to be such as a sex offender loving next door or prior murder in the house, but an annoying neighbor isn't one.

rocker_chick23 27

If you could sue for not disclosing that you have annoying neighbors next door, many people would become rich.

And just how many cats have you witnessed being tortured to death?

Cats can be like two year olds with splinters sometimes. I expect OP has heard a cat who has their tail stepped on for lying in the walkway, or something like it, and can make the comparison. Hell, leave my orange tabby where she thinks she's been left alone and she starts yowling sorrowfully until someone talks to her and lets her know the rapture hasn't happened. When cats get upset they can either be silent or a sound effects machine.

That's between you and the neighbours, not the previous owner.

dDailydDosage 8

I don't think your suing idea would work, the previous occupants didn't have to include that detail... But what you can do is ask them politely to turn down the volume. Try to compromise. If that doesn't work, call police on the basis of "disturbing the peace".

Good news is that there are laws in almost every city/town that state what time you can/cannot make that type of noise. The bad news is, you will have to let your neighbor know and then follow up with the police if your neighbor continues.

Find out when they sleep then get to work with a vuvuzela. It should take about 2 days tops. They'll be wanting to come to an agreement.

Have your lawyer state the precedent of tentacles vs squarepants. It regarded bothersome neighbors.

There's noise ordinance laws. Don't like hearing it then call the cops