By Anonymous - 05/04/2014 15:27 - United States - Iola

Today, a week after moving into my new house, I'm seriously considering suing the previous occupant. He failed to mention how the neighbor has his own band and rehearses every other day until 2am. Their music is so bad, it sounds like the wailing of a cat being tortured to death. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 332
You deserved it 5 495

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If it's so loud that you can hear from the next house, maybe you can call the police for a noise violation...? That's a thing, right?


America - such a lawsuit happy country. Wouldn't it just be easier to file a noise complaint with the police?

rocker_chick23 27

You can try to sue, but you won't win. You will be laughed out of court

I know that feel. There was a kid down my street who practiced 24/7 and it was horrid

10 pm is standard ordinance for noise complaints. don't warn them just call in and have the police surprise them. and you can't sue for noise unless it some how is causing damage in a monetary since. which it seems to not be.

kittcatt 8

Ah but there could be money involved. If the noise is disrupting OP's sleep so they are tired and unproductive at work the following morning and it persists to the point that they lose their job then they could sue for lost wages. They could also sue for emotional damages.

outsidehitter7 9

I had a neighbour that would sing 24/7. Sometimes until 3 or 4 am. I started booing her after every song and she shut up eventually. Not my proudest moment. But at least I didn't have to put on pants. Maybe try something less passive aggressive than that though.

I'd say call the cops, not the previous owners reponsiblity to tell you these things.